Equip & Empower


The EQ Edge

We are a Malaysian based regional Emotional Intelligence training and consulting company.


The EQ Edge is a leading provider of Emotional Intelligence EI or EQ training and consulting services in Malaysia and Asia. Committed to support people development and driving higher engagement in organisations, The EQ Edge specialises in equipping and empowering leaders and individuals with EQ competencies for success. We also provide training for sales, marketing and communication effectiveness.

Our team of international experts is made up of individuals with more than 60 years of combined hands-on experience in corporate leadership with global organisations. Focused on applicability and practicality, we employ proven cognitive approaches to management with people engagement strategies, addressing the real needs and requirements of the corporate world. These integrated, powerful and practical solutions empower organisations, leaders and individuals with a competitive edge to excel – the EQ edge.

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Our History in brief

The EQ Edge, an entity birthed as a result of the merger of 2 consulting and training companies - The Solutions Gallery Sdn Bhd and LeadingAdvantage Consulting Sdn Bhd - was previously Six Seconds Malaysia, the country office representing Six Seconds Global EQ Network. Following a global restructure at Six Seconds, The EQ Edge was appointed as the first Preferred Partner of Six Seconds in Malaysia.


Six Seconds

Six Seconds is the first and largest organisation that is 100% dedicated to the development of emotional intelligence, a powerful toolset to support people and communities to create positive change — everywhere, all the time.

Six Seconds developed the EQ-in-Action model in 1997 to help people put the theory of emotional intelligence into practice. This model is based on Peter Salovey’s (advisory board member of Six Seconds) and John Mayer’s work that first defined EQ as a scientific concept. It also builds on the five components of EQ popularised by Professor Daniel Goleman in his 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence,
which endorses Six Seconds' EQ Curriculum.

EQ helps you become more authentic and relationship-oriented. You become more productive, innovative and creative. Certainly more successful at work and in your personal life.

F.C. Law, The EQ Edge

Global and Local Clients

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